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Social Media Best Practices For Executives

7 Social Media Practices For Executives

by admin

Social media has grown to dominate many aspects of consumer relations and brand advocacy. As such, having a presence online has become a necessity for companies large and small. However, what some organizations have yet to realize is that it’s not just the brand that should be present online, but the leaders as well.

For instance, 93% of consumers believe that a CEO’s engagement on social media helps to better communicate the company values. This kind of access encourages transparency and builds credibility.

CEOs have also found it to be advantageous in reaching out to employees as well as customers. Roughly three-quarters of CEOs on social media reported the top benefit of using a platform was speaking with employees. By the same token, 80% of employees say they’d rather work for a CEO who is engaged with people via social media.

For more insight into the importance of having higher ups on social media as well as some of the best practices, please see the accompanying resource.

Infographic provided by Stanton Chase, a premier global executive placement firm.

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